Thursday, May 6, 2010

Easy Peezy Lemon Squeezy

So have I ever mentioned that trusting God is the most amazing, hard-to-do but easiest-results ever thing in the world? For example, everyone has character issues, including me. So when you do your part, (read the word, spend time with Him, etc.), He fixes you! It doesn't feel good all the time, but He's the man you know?? He takes me, imperfect, human me, and then purifies me like gold. And all I have to do is trust him!!! L.O.L!!!! It's crazy, but the bible says it over and over. If you believeth in Me...if you would put your trust in Me...if you would lean on Me...and thats it! No pre-reqs, just trust. And thats ok with me. Thats ok :)

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jennifer! Your mom didn't tell me you had a blog--I love it when people I've met in Real Life have blogs of their own. :) I'll add you to my blog roll...keep the great posts coming! Blessings, Debra
